
Roxane Sheybani


Luana Roberto


CAS Human Rights

Certificate in Collaborative Law 

Léonard Micheli-Jeannet


Vanessa Ndoumbe Nkotto


CAS Human Rights

Maité Albenzio

Office Manager

Roxane Sheybani

Roxane Sheybani specializes in immigration law, as well as in criminal and civil litigation. With a human and efficient manner, she advises and represents her clients before administrative, criminal and civil authorities and courts, at the cantonal, federal and international levels.

In addition to her work as a lawyer, Roxane Sheybani chairs the Human Rights Commission since 2022, where she has coordinated the equality and migration groups. She has been a member of the Council of the Bar Association (ODA) since 2021 and participates in the Migration Law Forum which she chaired from 2017 to 2022.

Roxane Sheybani regularly lectures and contributes to publications in her areas of specialization.

She has been an independent lawyer since 2016 and co-founded OratioFortis in February 2021.

Main areas of practice
  • Immigration law: citizenship, Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP), Federal Act on Foreign Nationals and Integration (FNIA), Asylum act (AsylA)
  • Judicial: criminal, civil (divorce and labour), administrative
  • Human rights: referral to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the United Nations Committees
Education and Admission
  • Swiss Bar Admission (2014)
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions (2012), University of Geneva
  • Master of International and European Law (2010), University of Geneva
  • Bachelor of Law (2009), University of Geneva
Professional experience
  • Co-founder of OratioFortis Avocates (2021)
  • Co-founder of MSS Law (2017)
  • Independent lawyer (since 2016)
  • Union Secretary at Syndicat interprofessionnel de travailleurses et travailleurs (SIT) (2015)
  • Associate at Schneider Troillet Law Firm, Geneva (2015)
  • Junior associate at Ming, Halpérin, Burger & Inaudi Law Firm, Geneva (2012 - 2014)
  • Jurist at Service d’aide juridique aux exilé-e-s (SAJE), Lausanne (2011 - 2012)
  • Trainee at UNHCR, legal division (2010 - 2011)
  • Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission since 2022
  • Member of the Council of the Bar Association (ODA) since 2021
Professional affiliations
  • Geneva Bar Association
  • Swiss Bar Association
  • French
  • English
Contributions and conferences

Plaider les droits de l’homme

21 novembre 2023 – Strasbourg – membre du Jury

36ème Marathon du droit, Droit des migrations 2022 – 2023

Commission de formation permanente de l’Ordre des avocats de Genève

10 novembre 2023 - Genève – conférence

Classée parmi les meilleures études d’avocat·e·s de Suisse pour le droit des migrations en 2023

Le Temps

5 mai 2023 - Genève

Le grand débat – Critiques sur la révision du code de procédure pénale


17 juillet 2023 – Genève - entretien

Triathlon du droit 2023, Droit des migrations

Fédération Suisse des Avocats

10 juin 2023 - Lucerne - conférence

34ème Marathon du droit, Droit des migrations 2021 – 2022

Commission de formation permanente de l’Ordre des avocats de Genève

5 novembre 2022 - Genève – conférence

Classée parmi les meilleures études d’avocat·e·s de Suisse pour le droit des migrations en 2022

Le Temps

28 avril 2022 - Genève

Discrimination raciale : voies de droit, constats et perspectives d’avenir

Plaidoyer 1/2023 – avec Mes Dahlia Kasme, Rebecca Stockhammer et Fanny Toutou-Mpondo

Février 2023 – Zurich – contribution

Triathlon du droit, Droit des migrations 2021-2022

Fédération Suisse des Avocats

15 septembre 2022 - Neuchâtel - conférence

32ème Marathon du droit, Droit des migrations 2020 – 2021

Commission de formation permanente de l’Ordre des avocats de Genève

6 novembre 2021 - Genève - conférence

Réflexions autour de la détention administrative

Association des Juristes progressistes / Ligue suisse des droits de l'homme

14 octobre 2021 - Genève - conférence

Classée parmi les meilleures études d’avocat·e·s de Suisse pour le droit des migrations en 2021 

Le Temps 

1er trimestre 2021 - Genève 

La loi fédérale sur l'égalité (LEg) devant les tribunaux

Editions Juridiques Libres (Freier Juristischer Verlag) - coédité avec la Professeure Karine Lempen

2020 - Lausanne - ouvrage

30ème Marathon du droit, Droit des migrations 2019 – 2020

Commission de formation permanente de l’Ordre des avocats de Genève

31 octobre 2020 - Genève - conférence

La loi fédérale sur l’égalité (LEg) devant les tribunaux

Revue de l’avocat 10/20 - avec Me Jacopo Ograbeck

Octobre 2020 - Berne - contribution

Voies de droit extraordinaires en matière d’asile

Asylex Academy 

3 & 4 octobre 2020 - Neuchâtel - conférence

Classée parmi les meilleures études d’avocat·e·s de Suisse pour le droit des migrations en 2020 

Le Temps 

1er mai 2020 - Genève 

Violences conjugales et annulation de la naturalisation facilitée 

Plaidoyer 02/2020 

Avril 2020 - Zurich - contribution

Le délit de solidarité en droit suisse, européen et mondial

Conférence du Jeune Barreau - avec Kristina Touzenis, Cheffe de l’Unité Juridique de l’Organisation Internationale pour les migrations (OIM) et Massimo Frigo de la Commission internationale des juristes (CIJ)

10 décembre 2019 - Genève - conférence

28ème Marathon du droit, Droit des migrations 2018 – 2019 

Commission de formation permanente de l’Ordre des avocats de Genève

9 novembre 2019 - Genève - conférence

Triathlon du droit, Droit des migrations 2018 – 2019 

Fédération suisse des avocats

15 juin 2019 - Lucerne (Centre de Culture et des Congrès) - conférence

Quels droits pour les personnes transgenres en 2019 

Revue de l’avocat 5/2019 - avec Lynn Bertholet

Mai 2019 - Berne - contribution 

Classée parmi les meilleures études d’avocat·e·s de Suisse pour le droit des migrations en 2019 

Le Temps 

3 mai 2019 - Genève

26ème Marathon du droit, Droit des migration 2017 – 2018 

Commission de formation permanente de l’Ordre des avocats de Genève

10 novembre 2018 - Genève - conférence 

Avocat·e de permanence en matière de mesures de contrainte et d’éloignement visant les étrangers : la gestion d’une audience devant le TAPI et les incontournables de la jurisprudence 

Jeune Barreau - avec Me Léonard Micheli

22 octobre 2018 - Genève - conférence

Triathlon du droit, Droit des migrations 2017 – 2018 

Fédération Suisse des Avocats 

1er septembre 2018 - Berne - conférence 

Classée parmi les meilleures études d’avocat·e·s de Suisse pour le droit des migrations en 2018 

Le Temps 

3 mai 2018- Genève

Avocat de permanence en matière de mesures de contrainte et d’éloignement visant les étrangers : la gestion d’une audience devant le TAPI et les incontournables de la jurisprudence 

Jeune Barreau - avec Me Brice Van Erps

11 décembre 2017 - Genève - conférence 

La violenza contro le donne nel web e offline : prevenzione e contrasto 

Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti umani

26 mai 2017- Rome (Camera dei Deputati) - conférence 

Avocat de permanence en matière de mesures de contrainte et d’éloignement visant les étrangers : la gestion d’une audience devant le TAPI et les incontournables de la jurisprudence 

Jeune Barreau - avec Mes Arnaud Moutinot et Sandro Vecchio

24 octobre 2016 - Genève - conférence

Questions choisies concernant la représentation juridique des requérants d’asile dans le cadre de la refonte de la loi sur l’asile 

Ordre des Avocats de Genève - Lettre du Conseil n° 62 - avec Mes Léonard Micheli, Arnaud Moutinot et Brice van Erps

Mars 2016 - Genève - contribution

Images d’asile 

Exposition du photographe Clovis Toraman

26 septembre 2015 - Genève - conférence

Luana Roberto

Co-founder - CAS Human Rights - Certificate in Collaborative Law

Following her admission to the Geneva Bar in 2013, Luana Roberto practiced in three major Geneva law firms before joining the Geneva Criminal Court in 2017. She has been practicing as an independent lawyer since 2020. Continually driven by her strong instinct to defend the interests of others, she is committed to her clients, whether they are individuals, companies, international organizations or states, and offer them innovative, pragmatic and tailor-made solutions. 

Luana Roberto holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Lausanne, a Master's degree in International and European Law from the University of Geneva, a Certificate of Specialization in Lawyers and a Certificate in Advanced Studies in Human Rights. Firmly convinced that a lawyer never ceases to continue his/her legal education and improve his/her practice, she is currently completing a Certificate in Advanced Studies in Juvenile Justice. She has also had the opportunity to study and work in England, Spain and Italy, which has contributed to develop her adaptability and language skills, as well as her academic experience as a member of the Examination Board and External Assistant at the University of Bologna.

Luana Roberto is also qualified in Collaborative Law techniques, a process that allows her to contribute to the search for amicable solutions for her clients, in particular in the context of commercial or matrimonial law disputes.

Member of the Human Rights Commission, Luana Roberto is the Coordinator of the Business & Human Rights Group of this Commission since 2022.

Since 2023, she is also Vice-President of the International Criminal Defence Commission of the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA).

Main areas of practice
  • General and economical criminal law
  • Criminal/public/civil international law
  • Human rights
  • Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters
  • Asset recovery, debt enforcement and bankruptcy law
  • Contract law
  • Commercial and associative law
  • Real estate law
  • Labor law
  • Family and inheritance law
Education and Admission
  • Certificate in advanced Studies (CAS) Juvenile Justice, University of Geneva and International Institute for the rights of the child and Terre des hommes (2021)
  • Certificate in advanced Studies (CAS) Human Rights, University of Geneva (2017)
  • Swiss Bar Admission (2013)
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions, University of Geneva (2011)
  • Master of international and European Law, University of Geneva(2010)
  • Student Exchange Program, University of Bologna (2009-2010)
  • Bachelor of Law, University of Lausanne (2008)
  • Student Exchange Program, University of Salamanca (2006-2007)
Professional experience
  • Co-founder of OratioFortis Avocates (2021)
  • Member of the Advisory Board and Head of the Legal Department, Rezalliance Association, Geneva (from October 2020)
  • Independent lawyer, Geneva (2020)
  • Expert in the Great Lakes training program and competition in Kigali, Rwanda, and member of the Committee for the Great Lakes competition, Swiss law association, Geneva (from December 2018) 
  • Deliberating clerk, Criminal Court of the Republic and Canton of Geneva (2017- 2019)
  • Associate attorney, Keppeler Avocats and @lex Avocats, Geneva (2014-2017)
  • Member of the Examination Commission and external assistant (cultore della materia) of the University of Bologna, Chair of Environmental Law, Italy (since November 2011)
  • Trainee lawyer, Ming Halpérin Burger & Inaudi, Geneva (2011-2013)
  • Trainee in the legal department, Relate, Bournemouth, England (2010)
Professional affiliations
  • Geneva Bar Association
  • Swiss Bar Association
  • Criminal Law Swiss Association
  • International Association of Young Lawyers
  • International Association of Lawyers
  • Swiss Human Rights League
  • Business Network International
  • Rezalliance
  • Great Lakes Committee
  • French
  • English
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
Contributions and conferences

Global Mobility Forum: Best Practices in Coordinating Legal Advice in an Age of Accelerating Global Migration: Immigration, Tax, Talent Management, and Foreign Investment

7 - 8 mars 2024 - Union internationale des Avocats – Barcelone (Espagne)


Les liens entre la justice pénale internationale et les autres domaines du droit

Février 2024 - Union internationale des Avocats – La Haye (Pays-Bas)

67ème Congrès de l’Union internationale des Avocats (sessions droit des investissements/droits humains et défense pénale internationale)

25 - 29 Octobre 2023 - Union internationale des Avocats – Rome (Italie)

Great Lake Regional Training Programme in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

8 - 14 Octobre 2023 – Ipeace, International Alert and Kingdom of the Netherlands – Kigali (Rwanda)

UIA Business and Human Rights Forum for Legal Practitioners – 3rd Edition

10 - 12 Juillet 2023 - Union internationale des Avocats – Madrid (Espagne)

Climate Change and Human Rights

25 - 26 Mai 2023 – Gonzaga University School of Law – Florence (Italie)

Droits des personnes LGBTQIA+ en Suisse

Commission des droits humains de l’Ordre des Avocats de Genève

12 mai et 2 juin 2023 - Genève

Crypto, NFTs & Metaverse: What We Need to Know From a Legal Perspective

Union internationale des Avocats

11 - 13 mai 2023 - Florence (Italie)

Les crimes contre l'humanité dans le droit interne et leurs implications jurisprudentielles

19 juillet 2022 – Université catholique de Lyon – Chaire UNESCO - Lyon (France)

Nelson Mandela l’avocat militant !

Journée internationale Nelson Mandela

18 juillet 2022 – Université catholique de Lyon – Chaire UNESCO - Lyon (France)

Le secret professionnel à l'épreuve du droit pénal des affaires

10 février 2022 – Union internationale des Avocats - Genève (Suisse)

Léonard Micheli-Jeannet

Léonard Micheli-Jeannet studied Law at the University of Geneva.

After various professional experiences in the non-profit sector, he completed a legal internship at the law firm of Leuenberger, Lahlou & Bazarbachi and was admitted to the bar in November 2017.

He started to work as an independent lawyer in March 2018 before founding Schmidt & Associates on 1 January 2019. Léonard Micheli-Jeannet joined OratioFortis on 1 January 2023.

A general practitioner, his main areas of practice are criminal law, immigration law, labour law, association law and family law. Micheli-Jeannet is a member of the Human Rights Commission of the Swiss Bar

Association and coordinates the Asylum and Migration Group and the Forum for the Right to Migration. He is active in the Geneva section of the Swiss League for Human Rights and Elisa-Aisle, a group dedicated to defending the rights of asylum seekers. He is a member of the Yachting Léger of the Geneva Navigation Society and officiates as an ice hockey referee.

Main areas of practice
  • General criminal law
  • Migration law
  • Association law
  • Labour law
  • Family law
Education and Admission
  • Swiss Bar admission (2017)
  • Certificate of Specialisation in Legal Matters, University of Geneva (2013)
  • Master's degree in General Law, University of Geneva (2013)
  • Summer Law School on Human Rights and Globalization, University of Zagreb (2012)
  • Bachelor of Law, University of Geneva (2011)
Professional experience
  • Partner at OratioFortis (2023)
  • Founding partner at Schmidt & Associés (2019-2022)
  • Trainee lawyer at Leuenberger, Lahlou & Bazarbachi (2015-2017)
  • Lawyer at Elisa-Asile (2014-2015)
  • Trainee with TRIAL International (2013-2014)
  • Prosecutor at Geneva City (Council
  • Minutes of the Municipal Council of the City of Geneva) (2012-2014)

Professional affiliations
  • Geneva Bar Association (ODA)
  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV - FSA)
  • Association of Progressive Jurists (AJP)
  • Swiss League for Human Rights (LSDH)
  • French
  • English

Vanessa Ndoumbe Nkotto

Partner - CAS Human Rights

Vanessa Ndoumbe Nkotto is a highly experienced lawyer with a proven track record in family law, both domestically and internationally, as well as in private international law, giving her a wealth of knowledge and expertise that she leverages to assist her clients, even in the most complex cases. She has been a licensed lawyer since 2013 and is registered with the Geneva Bar Association.

Vanessa Ndoumbe Nkotto assists her clients in various areas of family law, including marriage, cohabitation, parentage, adoption, medically assisted procreation (MAP) including surrogacy, separation, divorce, child protection measures, curatorships, international child abductions, relocation, maintenance contributions, liquidation of matrimonial property regimes, division of occupational pension benefits, recognition, exequatur and complementary judgments, and more. Her practice extends to inheritance law and criminal law, giving her a well-rounded and versatile legal background.

Vanessa Ndoumbe Nkotto assists her clients with seriousness, rigour and efficiency, both in advice, alternative methods of conflict resolution, negotiations, and in litigation, at all stages of the procedure, before the cantonal and federal authorities.

Vanessa Ndoumbe Nkotto joined OratioFortis Avocates as a partner on March 1, 2023, where she is committed to staying at the forefront of legal

developments and ensuring that her clients receive the best possible advice and representation.

She is a member of the Human Rights Commission and of the Children Rights Commission of the Geneva Bar Association. 

In addition to her legal practice, she is currently writing a doctoral thesis at the University of Geneva, on the topic of surrogacy.

Main areas of practice
  • Family and person’s law (mariage, separation, national and international divorce, maintenance, liquidation of the matrimonial regime, filiation, adoption, international child abduction, splitting of occupational pension scheme (second pilar), recognition and enforcement of foreign orders and judgments)
  • International Private Law
  • Medically assisted procreation (MAP) including surrogacy
  • Criminal Law
  • Inheritance Law
Education and Admission
  • Phd candidate in Law, University of Geneva (from 2020)
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Human Rights, University of Geneva (2019)
  • Swiss Bar Admission (2013)
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions (2011)
  • Master in international and European Law, University of Geneva (2010)
  • Erasmus, University Panthéon-Assas, Paris (2009-2010)
  • Bachelor of Law, University of Geneva (2008)
Professional experience
  • Partner, OratioFortis Avocates (from 2013)
  • Associate attorney, BRS Berger Recordon & de Saugy, Genève (2019-2023)
  • Associate attorney, LOCCA & PION, Genève (2019)
  • Policy officer, Fondation Terre des hommes, Lausanne (2018)
  • Expert in the Great Lakes training program and competition and member of the Committee for the Great Lakes competition, Kigali, Rwanda (from 2017)
  • Associate attorney, BRS Avocats, Genève (2013-2018)
  • Trainee, Internation criminal court, La Haye (2013)
  • Trainee lawyer, BURKHARD & FERRAZINO, Genève (2012-2013)
  • Trainee lawyer, Service for the protection of minors, Genève (2012)
  • Trainee, UTRS, Cape Town, 2010
Professional affiliations
  • Geneva bar association
  • Swiss bar association
  • International association of lawyers
  • Young lawyers international association (AIJA)
  • Great Lakes committee
  • French
  • English
  • Spanish
Contributions and conferences

Mettre la parole de l’enfant au cœur de la détermination de son intérêt supérieur

Le Temps - Contribution

November 20, 2023

National and International Parental Relocation

International Family Law Webinar

European Bars Federation

November 7, 2023 - Conference

Highlights in jurisprudence

International Association of Lawyers

October 25-29, 2023 - Roma - Conference

La gestation pour autrui sous l’angle des droits humains, en particulier des droits sexuels et reproductifs

April 21, 2023 - Sion - Research seminar

Parentalité avec tiers donneur et gestation pour autrui : aspects légaux

May 15, 2022 - HUG - Genève - Conference

Partnerships in a pandemic - AIJA Commission Month

Novembre 16, 2020 - AIJA Academic session Online - Conference

Maité Albenzio

Office Manager

Mrs. Maité Albenzio has been dedicated for more than thirty years to the management of medical teams in various large medical centers in the cantons of Vaud and Geneva, before joining OratioFortis Avocates in 2023 as Office Manager to meet new challenges.

With her solid managerial and accounting experience, Ms. Maité Albenzio offers the firm a highly efficient and human management.